Who we are
The Chemisches und Veterinäruntersuchungsamt Stuttgart, known as CVUA Stuttgart, is one of the 4 official food control and animal health laboratories of Baden-Wuerttemberg, a state in southern Germany.
A highly qualified team of about 200 experts (food chemists, veterinarians and biologists), technicians and laboratory staff analyses approx. 24 000 consumer goods and approx. 117 000 animal health samples per year. 35 employees are responsible for administrative and organisational tasks including quality management, controlling, computer administration, personnel and facility management. The current CVUA Stuttgart infrastructure encompasses 7 departments. These departments and their laboratories, which meet the latest technical standards, are distributed in 2 adjacent buildings covering a total area of approximately 13 700 sqm, 4 500 sqm of which are used as laboratory space and 1 700 sqm as office space . The total amount that has been invested in the premises so far is about 39 million Euros, with almost half of it having been spent for facility maintenance. We have an annual budget of about € 13 Mio.
The numerous "food scandals" have given the food safety and consumer protection a special awareness in the public and in politics. But the history of the CVUA Stuttgart clearly shows, that in Baden-Württemberg, food control has been an issue for quite a long time - since 1898.
The increasing amount of television and radio interviews which our experts are asked to give, reflect the increased public interest in our work and our test results. Also, we are delighted to welcome a growing number of national and international guests at the CVUA Stuttgart for an abundant and fruitful exchange of experiences.
Illustration: Employees, building size and budget 2005