
A Short Historical Summary

1883 - 1898

Founding of the bacterial laboratory as part of the king’s medical faculty at Katharinen Hospital.


Accomodation of the bacterial laboratory in a garden house of the State School of Midwifery; first occupancy by a veterinarian.


Consolidation of the medical faculty and the bacterial laboratory in the old “Schlossplatz 1” in Stuttgart (Marstall - "New Construction"; today: Markthalle).


Founding of a chemical department in the king’s medical faculty by decree of the king’s Ministry of the Interior. Naming of the entire institute for chemical and bacterial analyses "Hygienisches Laboratorium des Königlichen Medizinalkollegiums" (Hygienic Laboratory of the King’s Medical Faculty).

  • bacterial, microscopic and chemical investigations, as well as survey of samples
  • food control and drinking water analyses 


1908 - 1918

Construction of the buildings at Azenberg Street 14 und 14a in Stuttgart on the grounds of the former Nill´schen Zoo; relocation in winter 1910/11.


Startup of operations in the Azenberg Street buildings for all the officials of the King’s Medical Faculty. Accomodation of the faculty in the front buildings and the hygienic laboratory in the back buildings. 


1919 - 1932

Closure of the Medical Faculty
The health entity and veterinary administration are reorganized by the Ministry of the Interior. Three independent research institutions are established: the “Chemische Landesuntersuchungsamt“ (Regional Chemical Research Office), the “Medizinische Landesuntersuchungsamt (MLUA)“ (Regional Medical Research Office) and the “Tierärztliche Landesuntersuchungsamt (TLUA)” (Regional Veterinary Research Office).


Founding of the “ Stuttgarter Tierärztlichen Gesellschaft“ (Stuttgart Veterinarian Association).


Merging of the Regional Chemical Research Office with the “Chemischen Anstalt des Landesgewerbeamtes” (Chemical Institute of the Regional Trade Office). The Chemical Institute of Regional Trade Office was once the chemical laboratory of the king’s central department for trade and industry in Stuttgart, founded in 1850. 


1933 - 1957

Loss of war due to aerial bombing.
Extensive damage, mainly to the laboratory wing.


1947 - 1951
Reconstruction of the old lab buildings in Azenberg Street. New name given: “Chemische Landesuntersuchungsanstalt Stuttgart (CLUA)“ (Regional Chemical Research Institute Stuttgart).


1950 - 1955
Establishment of a fertility ward in the Regional Veterinary Research Office (TLUA) to fight against venereal disease.


Renaming of the TLUA to “Staatliches Tierärztlichen Untersuchungsamt Stuttgart“ (STUA) (State Veterinary Research Office of Stuttgart).


1970 - 1986

Revisited separation of monitoring tasks: the Regional Chemical Research Institute of Stuttgart and the “Landesgewerbeamt, Chemisch-Technisches Prüfamt” (Regional Industry Office, Chemical/Technical Test Office) now exist as separate entities.


The Regional Chemical Research Institute Stuttgart (CLUA) moves into the Administration Center at Berliner Platz.


The Regional Medical Research Office moves out of the buildings at Azenberg Street 16.


1982 - 1986
Reconstrution of the State Veterinary Research Office. Complete renovation of Azenberg Street 16 by architects G. und G. Mahron.


1993 - 2000

September, 1993
The Regional Chemical Research Institute Stuttgart moves into the service building on Schafland Street in Fellbach. New designation: Regional Chemical Research Institute Stuttgart, site Fellbach.


January, 1997
Consolidation of the Regional Chemical Research Institute Stuttgart, site Fellbach and the State Veterinary Research Office; formation of the “Chemisches und Veterinäruntersuchungsamt” (CVUA) Stuttgart (Chemical and Veterinary Investigations Office) with two separate service buildings.


January, 2000
Transfer of the food department of the “Chemischen Instituts im Amt für Umweltschutz der Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart” (Chemical Institute in the Office of Environmental Protection, Stuttgart) to the CVUA by resolution of the Stuttgart City Council in spring, 1999.


November, 2000
Completion and occupancy of the CVUA annex building beside the existing building complex on the border between Fellbach and Schmiden by the employees of the former branch office on Azenberg Street in Stuttgart.


Artikel erstmals erschienen am 19.04.2013